
  • I organize the FATE (fairness, accountability, transparency and ethics) reading group at Mila.
  • I am a mentor for Technovation Montreal: I help high-school girls develop a technological project from start to finish.
  • I reviewed papers for the Responsible Generative AI Workshop at CVPR 2024.
  • I reviewed papers for the AFT Workshop at NeurIPS 2023.
  • I reviewed papers for the SOLAR Workshop at Neurips 2023.
  • Science Popularization

    Artificial intelligence to…Find sexual predators on social networks
    Khaoula Chehbouni
    The statistics are alarming: the pandemic has had disastrous repercussions on children’s safety online. Young people are more connected and accessible than ever, making them easy targets for online sexual predators. Detecting the “grooming” of children online has thus become essential for protecting them.

    Khaoula Chehbouni - Détecter le grooming grâce à l’apprentissage fédéré
    Ivado Digital October 2021
    As part of Ivado’s Digital October, I presented my research project in 180 seconds in front of the IVADO community.

    Data Journalism

    Please refer to La Presse website for more publications.

    Une pandémie et des mots
    Khaoula Chehbouni
    La Presse
    Aplatir la courbe, déconfinement, complotisme, ça va bien aller. Les dizaines d’heures de points de presse de François Legault, Horacio Arruda, Christian Dubé et Danielle McCann auront, pour le meilleur ou pour le pire, enrichi notre vocabulaire. La Presse vous propose une analyse lexicale des 794 transcriptions issues des points de presse tenus à l’Assemblée nationale entre janvier 2020 et le début de septembre, dont 116 du premier minister.

    Une frénésie jamais vue à Montréal
    Maxime Bergeron, Clara Gepner, Khaoula Chehbouni
    La Presse
    Explosion des mises en chantier. Acquisitions en série – et parfois sous le radar – par des fonds torontois, des fortunes familiales québécoises et de nouveaux groupes montréalais. Hausse effrénée des prix. Alors que l’habitation a pris une place centrale dans les campagnes électorales municipales, La Presse dresse un portrait inédit de la frénésie qui s’est emparée du marché immobilier locatif de la province.

    Men slower to get vaccinated than women
    Clara Gepner, Khaoula Chehbouni
    La Presse also translated and published in the Toronto Star, the Welland Tribune, St. Catharines Standard
    Men – especially young men – are slower to get vaccinated against COVID-19 than women. Men are also slower to get tested, and a greater number of them end up in intensive care after being infected by the virus. “Women are always better vaccinated than men,” said Ève Dubé, researcher at the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ).

    Vaccination in Quebec: Favouring first doses delayed the second
    Henri Ouellette-Vézina, Khaoula Chehbouni
    La Presse also translated and published in the Toronto Star
    MONTREAL - Quebec’s decision to promote administering a first dose of COVID-19 vaccine to as many people as possible could explain why Quebec lags other provinces in administering second doses. While the province’s strategy worked so far, the arrival of the Delta variant is an incentive to step up the pace.

    Vaccination rates differ across Montreal boroughs
    Khaoula Chehbouni
    La Presse also translated and published in the Toronto Star
    MONTREAL - If vaccination against COVID-19 were a race, Montreal’s boroughs and municipalities would all have a different starting point. In the West Island, the start is a few metres from the finish line, with an aging, higher-income population. In the north, with a higher percentage of lower-income residents and immigrants, the race would be more like an obstacle course.

    Bike path data show that Montreal’s new bicycle network is a hit
    Clara Gepner, Khaoula Chehbouni
    La Presse also translated and published in the Toronto Star
    MONTREAL - The enthusiasm for Montreal’s new Réseau express vélo (REV) bicycle network has been confirmed by data collected on bike paths around the city and analysed by La Presse. The number of cyclists on the main north-south axis of the network, along Saint-Denis, Berri and Lajeunesse streets, is nearing the levels observed on Clark and Saint-Dominique streets, previously the most popular north-south axes.